
By building a wood-world and planting the trees step by step the wish occured to have a tool which will do this automaticaly. So the idea was born to build first this tool - I named > WOODGENERATOR <. But actually it grown up not only to a "wood" generator, but also to a universal generator. Because the used technology keep all ways open to generate everything under the virtual sun and which can be generate like woods, plantages, meadows, citys, clouds, partys ... only to name the possibilities I imagine during 3 seconds.

Atmosphere works with two text based sources. First there is JavaScript which is used to load subworlds, objects, animations or interactivity into worlds. The second is the Viewpoint MTX which can describe textured simple objects like plane, sphere, cube, cone, cylinder and pyramide or a group of them. It include also some special options for the texturing like opacity and for mesh handling like backface culling and antialias. In combination with a texture and mesh containing MTS file it is also possible to descripe complex meshes. However - this text sources are modifiably by any server script engine.

The Woodgenerator demonstrate a way to modify Atmosphere worlds in approximately realtime. In this case via a HTML interface - otherwise perhaps caused by an error from real machines connected to the internet. Also here is no horizon in view in the way of use.

So let me show you how to use . . .